A Letter For the Old Me

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim I remember the day that I prayed for something I have today It was about 2 years ago... It was me, the one who had big fear and negative frame of mind I spend a lot of times asking my self. Why on earth it must be happened in my life? How could I find the answer? How could I overcome the problems? I found my self got lost and had no answer. Yeah, It supposed to be that I was getting my quarter life crisis. I spend my times mostly by upset. I felt so blessed that in thus cruel situation, I had friends who had been there for me. They standed up for me. "So, surely with hardship comes ease." I do believe that everyone has their own fortune. And for me, my fortune was having a lot of support systems that cheered me up. Honestly, I looked up to someone who had never compared their life to others. I admired him/her because I thought that it was quite hard not to compare your life to others. Surely, it was quite hard to find that kind of person in this er...