Accept the Challenge


Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog!

It's amazing that I have time to write here within my busy period this month.

So, I'd like to tell you that today I watched a vlog by the most inspiring girl for me, Zhafira Aqlya, on youtube.

She explained how did she learn english. It is not suprise that she made thus kind of video because she is very fluent in english. Many people curious about how did she learn english that she could speak english very well. I recommend you to watch her video because she explained it well.

I adore her because she is young, smart, and beautiful. She is also a religious person.

She is now studying in Japan and she is going to continue her master degree in England.

In her video, she challenged nitizen to write anything in english everyday. It is one of the way to make us used to englis.

So, I'm going to take this challenge Insyaa Allah. 

Let's see for the next several days, will my blog full of english content?


Rajab, 12th 1442H


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