This Certificate is For You


I had a very wonderful life when I lived in Bintaro.
Something that made my life so beautiful is because of my Arabic class in Masjid As Sunnah Bintaro.

Today, finally I got this certificate.
After a long time of waiting, I felt so happy to receive it.

Choosing STAN and living in Bintaro is one of my best life decision.
I got hidaya there. I got family there. I finally knew the right path of Islam.

Can't thank my teachers there enough for their patience in teaching me.
They were the first people who taught me about Arabic Language.
They were also the first people who taught me about tauheed.
I feel so blessed that I had ever been their student.

May Allah Ta'ala always protect them. May Allah Ta'ala give them mercy in their life.


Denpasar, Bali

Rajab, 13th 1442H


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